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API Gateway Plugin


To use the @myrmex/api-gateway plugin, it is necessary to have a minimal knowledge about Amazon API Gateway and the Swagger v2.0 specification.

@myrmex/api-gateway uses the API Gateway Import API feature.


Install the npm module in a Myrmex project:

npm install @myrmex/api-gateway

Then enable the plugin in the myrmex.json file:

  "name": "my-app",
  "plugins": [

Once the plugin is installed and enabled, the myrmex command line will provide new sub-commands to manage and deploy APIs.

Project anatomy

By default, the content managed by @myrmex/api-gateway is located in an api-gateway directory in the root directory of the project.

A project configuration is composed of a list of APIs and a list of endpoints. Each endpoint specification contains the list of APIs where it must be exposed. Therefore, an endpoint GET /my-resource/{id} can be exposed by a mobile-app API and a back-office API, while another endpoint PUT /my-resource can be exposed by the back-office API only. This allows to create different APIs for different purposes while sharing some functionalities.

The directory api-gateway/apis contains the API definitions. Each of its sub-directory has the name of an API identifier and contains a Swagger specification file (without the endpoints definitions).

The directory api-gateway/endpoints contains the endpoints definitions. The structure of its sub-directories represents url paths and HTTP methods. Each HTTP method directory contains the definition of an endpoint. An endpoint definition is composed of its Swagger specification in a spec.json file.

As an example is more easy to understand, that is what a project structure could looks like:

├── apis                              The APIs defined by the application
|   ├── back-office                   The name of this directory is the identifier of an API
|   |   └── spec.json                 The API's Swagger specification (without endpoints definitions)
|   └── mobile-app
|       └── spec.json
└── endpoints                         The endpoints defined by the application
    ├── resource-a                    Creates the path /resource-a
    |   ├── {id}                      Creates the path /resource-a/{id}
    |   |   ├── GET                   Creates the HTTP method GET for the path /resource-a/{id}
    |   |   |   └── spec.json         The Swagger specification of the endpoint GET /resource-a/{id}
    |   |   └── PATCH
    |   |       └── spec.json
    |   └── PUT
    |       └── spec.json
    └── resource-b
        ├── GET
        |   └── spec.json
        └── resource-c
            └── GET
                └── spec.json

This project contains 2 APIs:

  • back-office
  • mobile-app

5 endpoints are available:

  • GET /resource-a/{id}
  • PATCH /resource-a/{id}
  • PUT /resource-a
  • GET /resource-b
  • GET /resource-b/resource-c

To associate an endpoint to one or more APIs, it is possible to enrich the endpoint specification (spec.json file) with a list of API identifiers, in a Myrmex extension to Swagger.

  "x-myrmex": {
    "apis": [
  ... rest of the endpoint specification

@myrmex/api-gateway uses the API Gateway Import API feature. Therefore, the configuration of AWS-specific authorization and API Gateway-specific API integrations is done with the API Gateway extensions to Swagger.



create-api [options] [api-identifier]

    -t, --title <title>       The title of the API
    -d, --desc <description>  A description of the API

Create a new API. By default the location of API definitions is api-gateway/apis/<api-dentifier>/. The API definition is a file named spec.json that contains a Swagger object. The command line will to create a simple base configuration. It is possible to write a full Swagger definition here, but the plugin @myrmex/api-gateway is designed to separate API definitions into pieces and generate full definitions when needed.


create-model [name]

Create a new model. By default the location of models is api-gateway/model/model.json. Models can be referenced as input or output of API endpoints but are not mandatory.


create-endpoint [options] [resource-path] [http-method]

    -a, --apis <api-identifiers>          The identifiers of APIs that expose the endpoint separated by ","
    -s, --summary <endpoint summary>      A short summary of what the operation does
    --auth <authentication-type>          The type of authentication used to call the endpoint (aws_iam|none)
    -i --integration <integration-type>   The type of integration (lambda|http|mock|aws-service)
    -r, --role <role>                     select the role to invoke integration

Create a new endpoint. By default the location of endpoints definitions is api-gateway/endpoints/<resource-path>/<http-method>/. The endpoint definition is a file named spec.json that contains a Swagger path item object. The command line will help to create a simple base configuration. Then, the developer can complete the definition using the Swagger specification and the API Gateway extentions to Swagger.

The definition of an endpoint can be added to one or more APIs using a Myrmex extention to Swagger:

  "x-myrmex": {
    "apis": [
  ... rest of the endpoint specification


inspect-api [options] [api-identifier]

    -c, --colors                  highlight output
    -s, --spec-version <version>  select the type of specification to retrieve: doc|aws|complete

Generate the Swagger definition of an API and print it. There are three different versions of the specification:

  • The doc version only contains parts of the definitions that belong to the Swagger specification.
  • The aws version is the definition that is sent to AWS API gateway when performing a deployment.
  • The complete version contains everything that is defined in the project, including the Myrmex extensions to Swagger.


inspect-endpoint [options] [resource-path] [http-method]

    -c, --colors                  highlight output
    -s, --spec-version <version>  select the type of specification to retrieve: doc|aws|complete

Generate the Swagger definition of an endpoint and print it. There are three different versions of the specification:

  • The doc version only contains parts of the definitions that belong to the Swagger specification.
  • The aws version is the definition that is sent to AWS API gateway when performing a deployment.
  • The complete version contains everything that is defined in the project, including the Myrmex extensions to Swagger.


deploy-apis [options] [api-identifiers...]

    -r, --region <region>            select the AWS region
    -e, --environment <environment>  select the environment
    -s, --stage <stage>              select the API stage

Deploy one or more APIs in API Gateway. The --environment option is used as a prefix to the API name in API Gateway. It can be useful to deploy APIs several time in the same AWS account. Values for --environment could be PROD or DEV or JOHN to be able to deploy the API for production, development or a developer environment.

The use of --environment can seem redundant with --stage, but when deploying an API Gateway stage, it is not to possible to access to the testing tools of the AWS console. These tools are available only for the ultimate version of the API. Using --environment can allow several developers to use the testing tools of the AWS console simultaneously. --environment also allows to use --stage for other purposes like API versioning (with values like v1, v2, 2017-01-01 ...).